The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Newcastle Lodge

Science and Theosophy

Cost: $40.00

Cost to TS Members: $32.50

Selected Articles by Dr Hugh Murdoch With Foreword by Dr Victor Gostin

Astrophysicist Hugh Murdoch (1924-2015) was a lifelong member of the Theosophical Society with a penetrating insight into the confluence of science and Theosophy. Dr Murdoch once tentatively defined Theosophy as — a field of enquiry that tries to understand the meaning of life at all levels—spiritual, physical, personal, universal. Theosophy embraces all of them.

When asked what advice he would give to new members of the Theosophical Society, he replied — Read widely, read many points of view, keep an open mind, try to engage in your own search for truth in your own way ... Seek your own wisdom.

The present anthology includes articles on the cyclic universe; Isaac Newton the Truth seeker; the scientific aspect of The Secret Doctrine; science as it relates to the second Object of the Theosophical Society; Stonehenge as an astronomical treatise; Kirlian photography, the origin of our solid earth; David Bohm and his extraordinary work on undivided wholeness and much more.


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