The Science of Yoga
An Introduction to the Yoga-sūtras of Patañjali by Pedro Oliveira
The Mandate of the Theosophical Society
An address by His Eminence Professor Samdhong Rinpoche in 2001

Death —From Alpha to Omega
Tony Buzek 19 February at 7.30 pm (note new venue)
The Secret Doctrine
Resource Module compiled by Pedro Oliveira
When we meet and what we do
The Greater City of Newcastle Lodge meets at 7.30pm 2nd Friday each month (except 3rd Friday when 5 Saturdays in month) excluding Public Holidays.
Suggested entry is by gold coin donation.
Where we meet
Uniting Church, Morrison Room, 29 Highfield Street, Mayfield NSW 2304
Who can attend our meetings?
Our meetings are all open to the public unless otherwise stated on the programme. Entry is by donation. All presenters are volunteers.
We look forward to welcoming you
Venue hire
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